Forskning vid Odontologiska Institutionen
Böcker och lärobokskapitel
Medarbetare vid Odontologiska Institutionen i Jönköping har stor utbildningserfarenhet och klinisk kompetens. Detta har utnyttjats vid framtagning av såväl nationella som internationella läroböcker och andra böcker.
- Anastassaki Köhler A, Häggman-Henrikson B, Österlund C. Tandsköterskans olika roller. I: Ekberg EC, Lindfors E, redaktörer. Bettfysiologi för tandsköterskor och tandhygienister. Stockholm: Gothia Kompetens; 2022. s. 9-24.
- Norderyd O. Epidemiology and indices of periodontal disease. In: Smith S, Almas K, editors. Essential periodontics. Berlin: Wiley-VCH; 2022. p. 27-30.
- Norderyd O, Wahlin Å. Impact of risk-based prevention on public oral health. Examples from Sweden with long-term follow-up. In: Chapple ILC, Papapanou PN, editors. Risk assessment in oral health. Cham: Springer; 2020. p. 23-9.
- Thilander B, Bjerklin K, Bondemark L. Essential orthodontics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell; 2018.
- Holmberg P. Alternatives: extraction and tooth replacement. In: Kvist T, editor. Apical periodontitis in root-filled teeth. Cham: Springer; 2018. p. 117-32.
- Frisk F, Kvist T. Endodonti. Stockholm: Gothia Fortbildning; 2018.
- Norderyd O, Wahlin Å. The secrets of Jönköping: Why do most 80-year-olds have more than 20 remaining teeth, and why are there very few edentulous? In: Meurman JH, editor. Translational oral health research. Cham: Springer; 2018. p. 143-9.
- Frisk F. Incidence, frequency, and prevalence. In: Kvist T, editor. Apical periodontitis in root-filled teeth. Cham: Springer; 2018. p. 7-19.
- Frisk F, Kvist T. Consequences. In: Kvist T, editor. Apical periodontitis in root-filled teeth. Cham: Springer; 2018. p. 33-42.
- Holmberg P. Alternatives: Extraction and tooth replacement. In: Kvist T, editor. Apical periodontitis in root-filled teeth. Cham: Springer; 2018. p. 117-32.
- Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017.
- Poulsen S, Koch G, Espelid I, Haubek, D. Pediatric oral health and pediatric dentistry: the perspectives. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 1-3.
- Koch G, Thesleff I, Kreiborg S. Tooth development and disturbances in number and shape of teeth. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 28-39.
- Koch G, Kreiborg S, Andreasen JO. Eruption and shedding of teeth. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 40-54.
- Koch G, Poulsen, S, Twetman S, Stecksén-Blicks C. Caries prevention. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 114-29.
- Johansson AK, Arnadottir IB, Koch G, Poulsen S. Dental erosion. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 161-73.
- Koch G, Haubek D. Oral soft tissue lesions and minor oral surgery. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 193-206.
- Magnusson T, Helkimo M. Temporomandibular disorders. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 309-15.
- Klingberg G, Nunn J, Norderyd J, Endrup Jacobsen P. Dental care for the child and adolescent with disabilities. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 334-50.
- Klingberg G, Espelid I, Norderyd J. Ethics in pediatric dentistry. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, Espelid I, Haubek D, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2017. p. 371-6.
- Slotte C, Happe A. Reconstruction of Horizontal Ridge Defects. In: Barone A, Nannmark U, editors. Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond. Milano: EDRA LSWR; 2014. p. 107-18.
- Slotte C.Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implant Bone Lesions. In: Barone A, Nannmark U, editors. Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond. Milano: EDRA LSWR; 2014. p. 157-65.
- Helkimo M. Quarenta anos do estudo da epidemiologia das DTM. In: Guimaraes AS, editor: Dor Orofacial entre Amigos –uma Discussao Cientifica. Sao Paulo: Quintessence; 2012. p. 71-89.
- Slotte C, Ballo AM. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Evaluation of Dental Implant Osseointegration in Humans. In: Ballo AM, editor. Implant Dentistry Research Guide: Basic, Translational and Clinical Research. NY: Nova Science; 2012. p. 463-86.
- Gröndahl H-G, Gröndahl K, Lindfors N. Pre- and postoperative examinations of the zygoma implant site. In: Aparicio C, editor. Zygomatics implants. The Anatomy-Guided Approach. Surrey, UK: Quintessence Publishing; 2012. p. 48-56.
- Bergendal T. Denture-induced sequelae in oral tissues. In: Molin Thorén M, Gunne J, editors. Textbook of Removable Prosthodontics - The Scandinavian Approach. Copenhagen: Gyldendal akademisk; 2012. p. 69-84.
- Slotte C, Lennerås M, Göthberg C, Suska F, Zoric N, Thomsen P, Nannmark U. Gene Expression of Inflammation and Bone Healing in Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid After Placement and Loading of Dental Implants. A Kinetic Clinical Pilot Study using Quantitative Real-Time PCR. In: Gottlander R, van Steenberghe D, editors. Proceedings from the 1st P-I Brånemark symposium, Gothenburg 2009. Berlin: Quintessence; 2011. p. 27-43.
- Bergdahl M, Norderyd J, Wårdh I. Muntorrhet vid funktionsnedsättning. I: Gabre P, Wårdh I, redaktörer. Att förbättra munhälsan hos personer med funktionsnedsättning - barn, vuxna och äldre. Hovås: Mun-H-Center förlag; 2011. p. 85-93.
- Bjerklin K. Retinerade och infraockluderade permanenta och primära tänder. I: Holmstrup P, redaktör. Odontologi 2011 - Aktuel Nordisk Odontologi. Köpenhamn: Munksgaard; 2011. p. 171-80.
- Tomas Magnusson. Ortodonţia şi afecţiunile temporomandibulare. In: Irina Zetu, editor. Ortodonţie. Tehnica Arcului Drept. Iaşi: Tehnopress; 2010. p. 147-55.
- Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009.
- Poulsen S, Koch G. Pediatric oral health care: the perspectives. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. 1–4.
- Koch G, Poulsen S, Twetman S. Caries prevention. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. 91–109.
- Johansson A-K, Koch G, Poulsen S. Dental erosion. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009:141–52.
- Koch G, Thesleff I, Kreiborg S. Tooth development and disturbances in number and shape of teeth. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. 183–96.
- Koch G, Kreiborg S, Andreasen JO. Eruption and shedding of teeth. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. 197–211.
- Koch G. Oral mucous lesions and minor oral surgery. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry. A clinical approach. 2nd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. 298–307.
- Bergendal B, Anderson J, Müller F. The challenging patient with facial deformities, rare disorders, or old age. In: Osseointegration and dental implants. Jokstad A, editor. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. 43–62.
- Ullbro C. Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome (PLS). In: Ruggieri A, Pascual Castroviejo I, Di Rocco C, editors. Neurocutaneous disorders. Phakomatoses and hamartoneoplastic syndromes. Wien: Springer-Verlag; 2008. p. 633–42.
- Hansson BO, Ericson D. Karies – sjukdom och hål. 2 upplagan. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia AB; 2008.
- Bergendal T, Janson H, Koch G, Zetterling Å, redaktörer. The Jönköping Studies 1973–2003. Epidemiological investigations on oral health in a 35-year perspective. Jönköping: The Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education; 2008.
- Poulsen S, Koch G, Wendt L-K. Fissurförsegling år 2006. In: Holmstrup P, redaktör. Odontologi 2006. København: Munksgaard 2006. p. 131–41.
- Rohlin M, Axelsson S, Ekman A, Klinge B, Larsson G, Norlund A, Paulsson G, Svensson Å, Svensäter G, Thorstensson H, Wennström J (projektgrupp). Kronisk parodontit – prevention, diagnostik och behandling. En systematisk litteraturöversikt. Rapport nr 169. Stockholm: Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering (SBU); 2004.
- Wendt L-K. Tandtrollen i Gnosjö. I: I skuggan av Gnosjöandan. Småländska kulturbilder 2004. Jönköping: Jönköpings läns hembygdsförbund och Stiftelsen Jönköpings läns museum; 2004. p. 125–36.
- Magnusson T. Tandslitage och bruxism. I: Odontologiska samfundet i Finlands årsbok. Åbo 2004. p. 9–20.
- Ahlborg B, Ahlborn B, Norderyd J, Wallenius E, redaktörer. Lilla bemötandeboken. Göteborg: Mun-H-Center förlag; 2004.
- Bergendal B. Oral hälsa och funktionshinder. I: Hugoson A, Koch G, Johansson S, redaktörer. Oral hälsa. Konsensuskonferens. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia AB; 2003.
- Hansson BO, Ericson D. Karies – sjukdom och hål. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia AB; 2003.
- Bjerklin K, Lindsten R. The effect of caries in the primary dentition on dental arch development. In: Hugoson A, Falk M, Johansson S, editors. Consensus conference on caries in the primary dentition and its clinical management. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia AB; 2002.
- Wendt L-K. Determinants for early childhood caries and dental care of children with caries in the primary dentition. In: Hugoson A, Falk M, Johansson S, editors. Consensus conference on caries in the primary dentition and its clinical management. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia AB; 2002.
- Brook AH, Elcock C, Hallonsten A-L, Poulsen S, Andreasen J, Koch G, Yeung CA, Dosanjh T. The development of a new index to measure enamel defects. In: Brook AH, editor. Dental Morphology 2001. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press; 2001. p. 59–66.
- Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001.
- Hallonsten A-L, Poulsen S, Koch G. Pediatric oral care – the perspectives. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 15–20.
- Koch G, Poulsen S, Twetman S. Caries prevention in the child dental care. In: Pediatric oral care – the perspectives. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 119–45.
- Koch G, Thesleff I. Developmental disturbances in number and shape of teeth and their treatment. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 253–71.
- Koch G, Kreiborg S. Eruption and shedding of teeth. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 301–19.
- Koch G. Oral mucous lesions and oral surgery in children and adolescents. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 399–410.
- Magnusson T, Helkimo M. Temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 411–20.
- Norderyd J. Diagnostic and treatment strategies. In: Sillanpää M, editor. Practices in Orofacial Therapy. Helsinki: Finnish Association for Orofacial Therapy; 2001. p. 67–70.
- Wang NJ, Koch G, Poulsen S. Child oral health care and the dental team. In: Koch G, Poulsen S, editors. Pediatric dentistry – a clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 2001. p. 463–71.
- Wendt L-K. Dental health - a dramatic improvement. In: Norvenius G, Köhler L, Johansson J, Wennergren G, editors. Protection – Prevention – Promotion. Development and future of Child Health Services. Proceedings from a conference. Göteborg: Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolan; 2001. p. 201–8.
- Helkimo M. Epidemiology of TMD in the Past, Present and Future. In: John M et al., editors. International Workshop on Epidemiology and Etiology of TMD. Regensburg: Roderer Verlag; 2000. p. 41–51.
- Wendt L-K. Ska Anna, två år, gå till tandläkaren? I: Hjørting-Hansen E, huvudredaktör. Odontologi 2000. Köpenhamn: Munksgaard; 2000. p. 263–78.
- Bergendal T, Kvint S, Lundgren D. Dags för implantat. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia AB; 1999.
- Carlsson GE, Magnusson T. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders in the General Dental Practice. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co; 1999.
- Andreasen JO, Kurol J. The impacted first and second molar. In: Andreasen JO, Kølsen Petersen J, Laskin D, editors. Textbook and color atlas of tooth impactions. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1997. p. 197–218.
- Kurol J, Ericson S, Andreasen JO. The impacted maxillary canine. In: Andreasen JO, Kølsen Petersen J, Laskin D, editors. Text-book and Color Atlas of Tooth Impactions. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1997. p. 126–65.
- Magnusson T. Funktion och dysfunktion i tuggsystemet. I: Droukas B, redaktör (på grekiska). Athen, 1996. p. 139–180 (Funktionsrelaterade symtom) samt 337-56 (Bettskenor).
- Jontell M, Koch G, redaktörer. Odontologiskt omhändertagande av immunosupprimerade patienter. Consensuskonferens. Q.D.-data; Örebro: 1995.
- Kurol J, Thilander B, Zachrisson B, Linder-Aronsson S. Treatment of dento-alveolar and skeletal anomalies. In: Thilander B, Rönning O, editors. Introduction to Orthdontics. 2nd ed. Solna: Förlagshuset Gothia AB/LIC Förlag; 1995. p. 112–68.
- Koch G, Arneberg P, Thylstrup A. Oral hygiene and dental caries. In: Thystrup A, Fejerskov O, editors. Textbook of clinical cariology. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1994. p. 219–30.
- Koch G, Fejerskov O, Thylstrup A. Fluoride in caries treatment - clinical implications. In: Thystrup A, Fejerskov O, editors. Textbook of clinical cariology. Copenhagen: Munsgaard; 1994. p. 259–81.
- Lundgren D, Laurell L. Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework supported on natural teeth and endosseous implants. In implant and crown and bridge therapy. Periodontology Year 2000; February 1994.
- Lundgren D, Laurell L. Occlusal aspects of fixed bridgework supported on endosseous implants. In: Special Issue from Consensus Conference for European Societey of Periodontology. Quintessence; February 1994.
- Alborn B, Hallonsten A-L. Handikapptandvård. Solna: LIC, Invest-Odont; 1993.
- Hallonsten A-L. Conscious sedation and anaesthesia for handicapped patients: Perspectives of outpatient and day care management. In: Dalloppio L, Pagnacco A, editors. The 11th congress of the International Association of Dentistry for the Handicapped in conjunction with the Italian Society of Dentistry for the Handicapped 1992. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore; 1993.
- Koch G, Kurol J. The deciduous dentitions and occlusion. In: Shaw WC, editor. Orthodontics and occlusal management. Oxford: Wright, Butterworth Ltd; 1993. p. 38–49.
- Kurol J, Koch G. The permanent dentition and occlusion. In: Shaw WC, editor. Orthodontics and occlusal management. Oxford: Wright, Butterworth Ltd; 1993. p. 50–66.
- Wendt L-K (huvudredaktör), Carlsson E, Enochsson H et al. Om munnen. Solna: LIC, Invest-Odont; 1993.
- Hallonsten A-L. Odontologiskt omhändertagande. Vårdprogram juvenil kronisk artrit. Arbetsgruppen för barnreumatologi. Svenska Barnläkarföreningen; 1992.
- Hallonsten A-L, Kølsen Petersen J. Sedation and anesthesia. In: Koch G, Modéer T, Poulsen S, Rasmussen P, editors. Pedodontics - A clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1991. p. 92-106.
- Storhaug K, Hallonsten A-L, Almer Nielsen L. Dentistry with handicapped children. In: Koch G, Modéer T, Poulsen S, Rasmussen P, editors. Pedodontics - A clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1991. p. 349-64.
- Koch G, Attramadal A, Kølsen Petersen J. Oral pathology and surgery. In: Koch G, Modéer T, Poulsen S, Rasmussen P, editors. Pedodontics - A clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1991. p. 295-327.
- Norén J, Koch G, Rasmussen P. Disturbances in tooth development and eruption. In: Koch G, Modéer T, Poulsen S, Rasmussen P, editors. Pedodontics - A clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1991. p. 250-74.
- Rölla G, Hølund U, Koch G. Dental caries: prevention. In: Koch G, Modéer T, Poulsen S, Rasmussen P, editors. Pedodontics - A clinical approach. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1991. p. 117-42.
- Hansson BO, Hallonsten A-L, Koch G, Ullbro C. Barntandvård. Solna: LIC förlag, Invest-Odont; 1991.
- Bergendal T, Kvint S, redaktörer. Plats för implantat. Solna: LIC förlag; 1990.
- Hugoson A, Falk H, Laurell L, Thorstensson H. Avvikande parodontala reaktioner. Bjuv: Invest-Odont AB; 1990.
Under åren 1983–1989 har dessutom ytterligare 14 böcker och lärobokskapitel utgått från Odontologiska Institutionen i Jönköping. De finns förtecknade i en bok "Publications 1972–1991" som bl.a. tillhandahålls på Odontologiska Institutionens bibliotek.