Doktors- och licentiatavhandlingar

Doktors- och licentiatavhandlingar vid Odontologiska Institutionen i Jönköping.

  • Maria Kassapidou. Cobalt-Chromium alloys in fixed prosthodontics - manufacturing techniques, biological and mechanical aspects. University of Gothenburg, 2022.
  • Zasčiurinskienė E. Studies on orthodontic treatment in subjects with periodontal disease. Jönköping University, 2018. 
  • Brahm C-O. The fearful patient in routine dental care. University of Gothenburg, 2018.
  • Sayardoust S.  The effect of tobacco exposure on bone healing and the osseointegration of dental implants. Clinical and molecular studies. University of Gothenburg, 2017.
  • Norderyd J. A biopsychosocial approach to functioning, oral health and specialist dental health care in children with disabilities - Swedish and international perspectives. Jönköping University, 2017.
  • Wahlin Å. Periodontal health and disease in two adults populations in Sweden. Malmö University, 2017.
  • Sundell AL. Children with orofacial clefts – dental caries and health-related quality of life. Linköping University, 2016.
  • Göthberg C. On loading protocols and abutment use in implant dentistry. Clinical studies. University of Gothenburg, 2016.
  • Isaksson H. On dental caries and dental erosion in Swedish young adults. University of Gothenburg, 2013. Swed Dent J Suppl 2013;(232):1-60.
  • Magnusson A. Evaluation of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion and orthodontic treatment. Effects on dental, skeletal and nasal structures and rhinological findings. Linköping University, 2013. Swed Dent J Suppl 2013;(229):1-104.
  • Anastassaki Köhler A.On temporomandibular disorders - Time trends, associated factors, treatment need and treatment outcome.  Jönköping University, School of the Health Sciences, 2012. Swed Dent J Suppl 2012;(227):11-119.
  • Stensson M. On oral health in young people with asthma. University of Gothenburg, 2010.
  • Josefsson E. Immigrant background and orthodontic treatment need. Quantitative and qualitative studies in Swedish adolescents. Jönköping University, 2010. Swed Dent J Suppl 2010;(207):1-92
  • Bergendal B. Oligodontia and ectodermal dysplasia - on signs, symptoms, genetics, and outcomes of dental treatment. Umeå University, 2010. Swed Dent J, Suppl 205, 2010.
  • Alm A. On dental caries and caries-related factors in children and teenagers. University of Gothenburg, 2008. Swed Dent J, Suppl 195, 2008.
  • Frisk F. Epidemiological aspects on apical periodontitis. Studies based on the prospective population study of women in Göteborg and the population study on oral health in Jönköping, Sweden. Göteborg University, 2007. Swed Dent J, Suppl 189, 2007.
  • Sundqvist B. Individual prediction of treament outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Göteborg University, 2007. Swed Dent J, Suppl 186, 2007.
  • Lindsten R. Secular changes in tooth size and dental arch dimensions in the mixed dentition. Oslo University, 2003. Swed Dent J, Suppl 157, 2003.
  • Slotte C. On surgical techniques to increase bone density and volume. Studies in the rat and the rabbit. Göteborg University, 2003.
  • Sondell K. Verbal communication in prosthetic dentistry. Input – process – outcome. Malmö University, 2001. Swed Dent J, Suppl 146, 2001.
  • Norderyd O. Risk for periodontal disease in a Swedish adult population. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies over two decades. Lund University, 1998. Swed Dent J, Suppl 132, 1998.
  • Bolin A-K. Children's dental health in Europe. An epidemiological investigation of 5- and 12-year-old children from eight EU countries. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1997. Swed Dent J, Suppl 122, 1997.
  • Flygare L. Degenerative changes of the human temporomandibular joint. A radiological, microscopical, histomorphometrical and biochemical study. Lund University, 1997. Swed Dent J 1997, Suppl 120, 1997.
  • Helmrot E. Systematic analysis of a radiological diagnostic system: A method for application in the effective use of X-rays in intraoral radiology. Linköping University, 1996.
  • Owman-Moll P. Orthodontic tooth movement and root resorption with special reference to force magnitude and duration. A clinical and histological investigation in adolescents. Göteborg University, 1995. Swed Dent J, Suppl 105, 1995.
  • Thorstensson H. Periodontal disease in adult insulin-dependent diabetics. Göteborg University, 1995. Swed Dent J, Suppl 107, 1995.
  • Wendt L-K. On oral health in infants and toddlers. Göteborg University, 1995. Swed Dent J, Suppl 106, 1995.
  • Bjerklin K. Ectopic eruption of the maxillary first permanent molar. An epidemiological, familial, aetiological and longitudinal clinical study. Göteborg University, 1994. Swed Dent J, Suppl 100, 1994.
  • Bondemark L. Orthodontic magnets. A study of force and field pattern, biocompatibility and clinical effect. Lund University, 1994. Swed Dent J, Suppl 99, 1994.
  • Eckerbom M. Prevalence and technical standard of endodontic treatment in a Swedish population. A longitudinal study. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1993. Swed Dent J, Suppl 93, 1993.
  • List T. Acupuncture in the treatment of patients with craniomandibular disorders. Comparative, longitudinal and methodological studies. Göteborg University, 1992. Swed Dent J, Suppl 87, 1992.
  • Falk H. On occlusal forces in dentitions with implantsupported fixed cantilever prostheses. Göteborg University, 1990. Swed Dent J, Suppl 69, 1990.
  • Kugelberg C F. Impacted lower third molars and periodontal health – An epidemiological, methodological, retrospective and prospective clinical study. Göteborg University, 1990. Swed Dent J, Suppl 68, 1990.
  • Ekfeldt A. Incisal and occlusal tooth wear and wear of some prosthodontic materials – An epidemiological and clinical study. Göteborg University, 1989. Swed Dent J, Suppl 65, 1989.
  • Laurell L. Occlusal forces and chewing ability in dentitions with cross-arch bridges. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1985. Swed Dent J, Suppl 26, 1985.
  • Kurol J. Infraocclusion of primary molars – An epidemiological, familial, longitudinal, clinical and histological study. Göteborg University, 1984. Swed Dent J, Suppl 29, 1984.
  • Sandin G. Arbetsmiljö och tandhälsa – En studie över syrafabriksarbetares attityder till arbetsmiljöns inverkan på deras tandhälsotillstånd samt en undersökning av deras tandstatus. Lund University, 1983.
  • Hallonsten A-L. Nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation in dentistry. Linköping University, 1982. Swed Dent J, Suppl 14, 1982.


Licentiatavhandlingar från Odontologiska Institutionen i Jönköping

  • Sundqvist B. Individual prediction of treatment outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Licentiatavhandling nr 38 i odontologi, Göteborg University, 2003.
  • Karapataki S. Healing following guided tissue regeneration after surgical removal of impacted third molars. Licentiatavhandling i odontologi nr 27, Göteborg University, 2001.