The Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education in Jönköping

We believe in continuously evolving our know-how and in the lifelong process of learning. Therefore we conduct leading specialist dental care, innovative research and train tomorrow's experts. We are the Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education in Jönköping. Together we continue to shape the future of dental care.
Improve people's every day life
Achieving better dental health and improve people’s every day life is the basis for all our work. At the Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education in Jönköping, Sweden, we carry out patient-centered research in the areas of specialized dental care, specialist training in nine disciplines.
We are nine specialist areas divided into eleven departments. Together with one of three national competence centers for rare dental conditions, we take dental care forward. Every day, our approximately 170 employees are a leading resource for specialist dental care, research and education in Sweden and through collaborations around the world.
Creating world-class dental care
How is world-class dentistry created? For us, it is important to see each unique competence and let the knowledge take up space. Since 1972, our clinical activities have contributed to solving advanced or special dental care needs.
Every year, we receive over 70,000 patient visits and process approximately 14,000 referrals. We also believe in collaboration and assessing the whole patient. That is why we work closely between our specialist departments and other healthcare functions.
Research and development
We want to understand our world. At our institute we research clinical issues and how we can apply our practical knowledge to develop our every day work. With the right knowledge, we can also act to give our patients even better care in the future.
We make a difference
Our goal is to provide an equal dental care. The patient is always at the center, and the reason we exist. Whether it is a patient visit to one of our clinics or where we assist specialists in other regions or general dental care with our knowledge. We know we make a difference - welcome to us!