
AiR Småland for authors in residence

Through AiR Småland we want to provide an opportunity for authors to devote themselves to their writing and we are now looking for published authors from the rest of Sweden, the Nordic countries and internationally. The residency focuses on artistic investigative work and provides opportunities for inspiration and in-depth studies and is aimed at authors from all literary genres: novels/stories, poetry and drama. There are no requirements that you need to produce anything during the residency, so you are free to explore your writing and work on small or large projects.


Submit your application as one (1) PDF. Your application needs to include the following:
• CV with information about your 3–5 most recent publications (title, year of publication and publisher) with a link to the website
 • A description of how your authorship can be defined.
• A description of what you want to do during the residency (approximately 300 words)

The application to be submitted via a digital form no later than 31 May. 

Application for authors in residence (Extern länk)

Practical information

The periods in residence are three calendar months and during 2024 the first period in residence will take place from 9 September until 9 December. We expect you to be present for at least 75% of the time in residence.

As an author in residence, we expect you to:
• Participate in at least one public event in consultation with the local scholarship recipient/host of the residency during the period in residence
 • Meet other authors, dramatists or artists who are connected to the local scholarship recipient/host's activities during the period in residence
 • Write a short text about your residence (maximum two A4 pages)

AiR Småland is responsible for

• Scholarship of SEK 20,000 per month, a total of SEK 60,000
• Accommodation and workplace opportunities during the scholarship residence
• Travel to and from the residency up to an amount of SEK 5,000
• Travel within the county during the period in residence up to an amount of SEK 3,720

The author in residence is responsible for

• Own insurance
• Own material needed during the residency
• Living expenses that may not be covered by the scholarship amount

About AiR Småland

AiR Småland is a new residency program run by the Cultural Development Section of Region Jönköping County, with support from the Swedish Council for Cultural Affairs. The goal is to provide space and time for artistic development by offering residency in the county. The residencies are provided through residency scholarships for visiting artists in residence who will be welcomed by a local scholarship recipient/host and where both will be given opportunities to focus on artistic investigative work as well as opportunities for inspiration and in-depth studies within their field. The residence must be firmly established in the opportunities provided by the location and in accordance with the local scholarship recipient/host’s wishes. The purpose of AiR Småland is to support the community for independent arts, cultural operators and institutions of Jönköping County, while the county’s cultural life is stimulated by the exchange with visiting artists in residence.